Outside of formal certification courses, provides additional training and coaching in the following areas:
Freediving - “Pool Disciplines” - Tuesdays from 19:00 - 20:00 at the Markievicz Sports and Fitness Centre, Dublin 2.
Depth & EQ - “Coaching” - Portroe Quarry, Co. Tipperary.
Equalisation - “Online Training” - A 4-week online equalisation improvement program.
Pool Freediving is a great way to learn and develop proficiency in pool disciplines and stay freediving-fit out of season. Pool training is scheduled on Tuesdays between 19:00 - 20:00 at the Markievicz Sports & Fitness Centre, Dublin 2.
Completion of an “Introduction to Freediving” course is a prerequisite.
Students must supply their own fins & facemask. Weights are provided. Wetsuits are not required.
On-site equipment hire is not available.
Please allow sufficient time to arrive at the pool as traffic can be heavy.
Please arrive poolside at least 10 minutes before your session begins.
Latecomers will forfeit their session.
Pool Freediving sessions are sold in packs of 4. Sessions are lmimited to a maximum of 2 students. Once you purchase a 4-Pack, contact us to schedule your sessions.
Depth & Equalisation coaching at Portroe Quarry / Diving Centre in Co. Tipperary. Join a maximum of 3 other students as you improve your freediving and equalisation techniques in the beautiful setting of Portroe Quarry. Trips typically include a visit to the Lakeside Sauna and Pizza at Raw Interiors.
Yearly membership Fee: €30.00
Entry Fee: €30.00
Membership & entry fees are not included in coaching fee.
Completion of an Introduction to Freediving course is a prerequisite.
Students must supply their own fins, facemask, snorkel, weights and wetsuit.
On-site equipment hire is not available.
Please arrive at the quarry at least 30 minutes before your session begins to allow sufficient time for registration and changing.
Latecomers (>15 minutes) will forfeit their session.
Portroe Quarry
Equalisation can be a challenging subject for beginner Freedivers. A poor understanding of the mechanics of equalisation can interfere with a student’s ability to change equalisation habits, typically from Valsalva to Frenzel.
Course contents
The Anatomy of Equalization
Valsalva technique
Frenzel technique
How to Learn (or Improve) Frenzel Equalization
Intro to advanced EQ / Mouthfill basics